Accepted: Aubrie - Marshall B. Ketchum University

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Undergraduate education: San Diego State University - Kinesiology Pre-PT and Honors Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies

Overall GPA: 3.75

Science GPA: 3.63

GRE: Did not take

Total PCE hours: ~1,600

Total HCE hours: 70

Shadowing hours: 52

Volunteer hours: ~1,200 - Pre-PA Peer Mentor, Pre-PA Organization president, MDA Summer Camp, misc

LORs: 4 - PA, clinical director of the clinic I volunteered at, advisor and music professor from my school abroad

How many times did you apply?:  1

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Why PA? I have always been interested in anatomy and science, but I didn’t really consider using that interest to help others until my last year of high school. After I started my first PCE role, interacted with patients and networked with PAs through our pre-PA club, it just felt right. Also, I have an interest in becoming a travel PA and I really loved that this career will let me do that AND change specialties without extra schooling while doing so.

How many programs did you apply to? 4...risky, I know!

How many programs did you interview with and what were the outcomes?One and done!

Where will you be attending? Marshall B. Ketchum University

Anything you found surprising about interviews? My interview was very causal and we got off topic quite a bit. It really just felt like a conversation with other adults in a more professional setting. They truly just wanted to know who I was as a person!

Were there any helpful resources (books, websites, apps) you used to get through prerequisite courses, the application or interview process? Of course, @thepaplatform’s interview book was extremely helpful! But honestly, just networking on Instagram helped me SO much. I would also get involved in your pre-PA club on campus.

Any other advice for other pre-PA students? The path to getting into PA school is not an easy one. You will have to put in a lot of hard work and sacrifice a lot as well, however, it is SO worth it when you see those words, “Congratulations! You’ve been accepted”. I highly recommend having at least one pre-health friend so you have someone to vent to and study with, especially since they’ll really understand the dedication you need to have to get into school. Also, I recommend creating a spreadsheet of schools you’d like to apply to early on so you can focus on those schools and what they’re looking for! It can get overwhelming to prepare for school if you don’t have your school choices narrowed down.

Where can we find you? YouTube: Aubrie Jones and Instagram: @whitecoatchasing