PA School CASPA GPA Calculator
GPA is one of the most important parts of the PA school application process because schools will often set their requirements based on the overall and science GPAs.
**Please note that this is a GPA estimator, and will likely be slightly different from your calculated CASPA GPA. Take this information as a rough estimate, and when in doubt, round down. It also does not save your information, so make sure to screenshot before exiting. We are not offering this as a guarantee, but as a tool to help you prepare your expectations.
For a more accurate GPA calculation and to track your grades, experience, and applications, we recommend using Mappd. It’s free and will keep everything in one place for you!
When possible, use an official transcript to input your grades.
Remember, that every course taken at any college level institution will be included in the overall GPA, including repeated coursework. If you haven’t already, read through the CASPA FAQ about coursework for clarification. No courses are averaged or left out. We also have an in-depth blog post about the process of calculating GPAs.
For the science GPA, use this video and the CASPA Course Subjects list to to determine what “counts” as part of your science GPA.
This calculator uses semester credits. If your hours are on the quarter system, you need to multiply by 0.667 to get the semester hour conversion.
You can add up to 49 courses. If you have more coursework, you may need to split it up into multiple calculations, or group similar grades and increase the credit hours.
If you would like help with an Excel sheet calculation, check out that option here.
This is an example of all of the GPAs that are calculated by CASPA. The main ones most programs look at are overall and overall science.
If you’re struggling to figure out which courses fall under “science,” the video below will walk you through the process.