Accepted: Umamah - Indiana University

Undergraduate education: Psychology B.S. Biology minor

Overall GPA: 3.71

Science GPA: 3.51

GRE: Verbal & Quantitative: 301; Writing: 3.5

Total PCE hours: 2,000 + when I submitted

Shadowing hours: 100 (PA, NP &MD)

Other volunteer hours: Approximately 60-70

LORs: 4: one from Cardio PA, one from office manager, two from professors.

How many times did you apply?:  1

Age: 21

Why PA? It perfectly fit all aspects of my life both for now and the future, and it just felt like a calling, I didn't try hard before I fell head over heels in love!

How many programs did you apply to? 3

How many programs did you interview with and what were the outcomes? 1. My first interview was my top choice, and I was accepted (YAY!)

Where will you be attending? Indiana University

Anything you found surprising about interviews? I was surprised by how laid back it was. They didn't grill me about anything and I felt that I was able to speak about my experiences with ease, but there were two scenarios/behavioral questions of things I would consider/do as a PA. Those made me nervous, but I was able to use my shadowing experience to answer.

Were there any helpful resources (books, websites, apps) you used to get through prerequisite courses, the application or interview process? PA Platform/ Physician Assistant School Interview Guide.

Any other advice for other pre-PA students? I'm a hypocrite for saying it but BE CONFIDENT. Being in the last batch of students interviewing for the day, I'm sure my interviewers were tired. I just thought "great, how am I going to stand out when they've probably heard a million things by now". I just remembered fighting with that voice of doubt in my head and going into the room with a bright smile and a positive attitude, ready to prove why I was worth it.

Where can we find you? Instagram: