Formally known as the Medical College of Georgia, and then Georgia Health and Sciences University, then Georgia Regents University, the name is currently Georgia Regents University. And this particular program is near to my heart because it's where I went to school!
Location: Augusta, GA
Number of students: 44
Application Cycle: July 1-October 15 (Rolling admissions = apply early!) and their application is NOT through CASPA
Interview dates: September - January
Start date: May
Length of Program: 27 months
Public/Private: Public
HCE: 100 hours (prefer direct hands on experience)
Shadowing: 100 hours in at least 2 different specialties
The Good Stuff:
- There's also an MPA bridge program for current PAs who finished a program before most became a Master's program.
- Look into going for a "Closer Look" tour if you're interested in more information and meeting some current students and faculty.
- Anatomy course has a cadaver lab w/ 8 students per body, and only 4 working on it at a time. The lab can be accessed at any time during the first summer for studying.
- The PA program has a simulation lab set up like a real OR for learning skills like scrubbing and suturing.
- There's a PA run clinic for the underserved areas of Augusta that is held monthly.
- There's a new financial assistance program for veterans.
- This program has had a few different names in the past few years. It may also be referred to as Medical College of Georgia (MCG), Georgia Health Sciences University, or Georgia Regents University
Link to program - Augusta University PA Program Website
For the most up to date information on PA programs in one place, check out The Applicant’s Manual of Physician Assistant Programs. (Affiliate link)